Alternative Tourism, Meeting 15 November 2005
World Of Birds, Valley Road, Hout Bay, 7806, Cape Town
The World of Birds, situated in the Valley Road of Hout Bay was started in 1973 because of Walter Mangold’s passion for birds. This was when he had reached the lowest point in his life - he had lost everything. With this determination to succeed with his dream he followed through and now has this very unique wilderness for all to see.
The World of Birds today is the largest Bird Park in Africa and is situated right here in the fairest Cape 30 minutes from Cape Town’s Waterfront. It is the only Bird sanctuary in the world where you can actually sit amongst the birds in a tropical forest atmosphere and have your lunch or afternoon tea thinking you are on a tropical island far, far away from the busy city life.
The Bird Sanctuary was started with injured birds, or birds that were brought in from private homes and funding from various institutions & private people seeing the vision, too. The World of Birds has over 100 species, tropically landscaped walk-through aviaries allowing really close contact with nature. Here you watch birds going about their daily lives, courting, nesting and rearing their young, undisturbed by visitors. There are over 3 000 birds, monkeys and small animals of 400 different species in the walk-through enclosures. The birds and animals behave just as they would in the wild, but without fear!
A rare treat is a stroll in the Monkey Jungle, where you will come face-to-face with inquisitive little Squirrel Monkeys. A visit to the World of Birds could last approximately 3-4 hours for you to see everything and take in the wonderful feeling of Nature. An unbelievable experience for young and old!
Our next meeting will be held most probably December 13. We will advice you on the final time and date once we have confirmation on the venue.
Walter Mangold
Crowned Crane
Tea In Paradise - Why Not?
by Walter Mangold
I don't think we have ever constructed an aviary as fast as "The Tea In Paradise". By October it seemed to be a delayed project for next year, considering the work time and cost, but the manager Hendrik Louw confronted me with "Why Not?".
The speed at witch the material was ordered and delivered, and the construction of the frame for one of our largest aviaries, plus the construction of the top and sides with rolls and rolls of wire, and the landscaping and brick-paving, was remarkable, to say the least, not even counting the old Cassowary pens which had to be removed and reconstructed elsewhere, the cutting down and removal of old Port Jackson trees, and the general clearing of land.
Well, there you are; although the newly planted trees will take at least two years before making an impact, the enclosure is ready and open for your inspection.
The "Tea" part for the Tea in Paradise is still a bit problematic. While it is unrealistic at this experimental stage to have the intended kiosk, we trust that some of our visitors with time on there hands will walk down the shortcut of 120m to the Cafeteria, get their tea or coffee and sandwiches or cake in a basket, and come up again and relax, and share some crumbs with the birds.
The "shortcut" will be clearly marked with colour coded arrows which will lessen the despair of the distance by encouraging decreasing distances 100m, 80m, and 40m.
The Tea in Paradise, Hornbills for Africa, the new Ostrich, Emu, Rhea and Cassowary pens are the most remarkable additions to the World of Birds and the visitors' experience for this year. And now, that Hylton Ross has introduced the Hop-on Hop-off Bus which calls four times a day, that allows tourists to choose between Kirstenbosch and World of Birds and Hout Bay Harbour and Camps Bay, starting and ending at the Waterfront, World of Birds has become accessible even to those who do not or choose not to drive, an option which has long been overdue.
Mandy Young
Wisdom of Elephants
Dancing with Dolphins
Mingling With Meerkats
Wisdom from Nature
Mandy Young is a Psychotherapist with 26 years of experience in healing, maturation, self-discovery, and dealing with different relationship issues with people of all ages. Twelve years ago Mandy begun a journey that changed her life, she returned to the bush, her place of healing as a little girl, and begun observing animal's social behavior. In hindsight, each animal species she begun to observe had something special to teach her. Her journeys of self-discovery whilst observing different animal species – African Wild Dogs, Elephants, Dolphins and wild Meerkats – became Ecotherapy experiences she enjoys sharing with all – Wild Women, Wild Dogs & Wild Men, the Wisdom of Elephants, Dancing with Dolphins and Mingling with Meerkats.
An ancient wisdom was re-awakened in Mandy as she observed these animals and she was drawn to how early man lived, she realized that we genetically, soulfully and spiritually evolved in adaptation to nature and we are not best equipped for the stress and strains of city life and many aspects of our westernized lifestyles. She identified with the experience of another woman who had spent many years observing and caring for animals, Linda Hogan, who said, "…working with animals became the center of my life, the pivot point at which I learnt to think, and because of this work I took a fresh look at the traditions of the past. I offered animals my time and care, bathing them, feeding them, cleaning their cages, and removing the carcasses of their prey. It was hard work, dirty work, but in exchange they offered me peace, and healing, a kind of knowledge that is still finding its way into words. I knew I was in the presence of intelligence, and I had to learn new kinds of behavior to be with them, a slowness, a stillness and inner silence that is no longer common in our fast-moving lives, a careful watching to see if their health had improved or lessened. But mostly what I learned turned me back toward the traditions of my ancestors and those of other tribal people to help me define the possibilities of the future and of the relationship between animals and ourselves".
In order for you too to experience some of the truths and rhythyms of nature Mandy encourages you to get back into wilderness spaces where you can immediately relax and get in touch with many aspects of our lives we often neglect, like intuition, creativity and passion. On each experience guests are taken in safety by skilled game guides and/or researchers to visit the specific animals.
They then continue in the bush after each observation, share morning tea and rusks or sunset drinks and snacks, whilst engaging in self-reflective group discussions. They are not heavy psychoanalytic sessions, but an opportunity to share and laugh with like-minded travelers, and to benefit from Mandy's knowledge of human and animal behavior that helps guests integrate their experiences in a personally enriching, take-home, life-transforming way. Mandy quotes the Xhosa saying as a way of validating the group experience - 'Umnptu nGumnptu nGabantu', which means, 'A person is a person through People'.
Wild Women, Wild Dogs And Wild Men
(Part I)
by Mandy Young
This journey of self-discovery that is now facilitated for guests, begun with the African Wild Dogs, or Painted Hunting Dogs, as I prefer to call them. I spent six initial years observing these endearing, exciting pack animals in Madikwe, Pilhanesberg and Hluhluwe-Umfolosi Game Reserves and at Kruger National Park in South Africa and in Hwange Game Reserve and the Savi Conservancy in Zimbabwe. The initial lesson I learnt from the Painted Hunting Dogs was that early man and the wild dogs only survived as a species because they nurtured kinship bonds, they did not have the equipment to survive on their own. 'We still don't have the equipment to survive on our own, that is the telling tale of many people I see in my Practice as a Psychotherapist, 'in fact much research indicates that despite westernized value systems that advocate self-sufficiency and striving to get ahead no matter who you stand on in the process, we need each other. People who experience the normal stress and strains of city life and many traumas like death of a loved one, divorce, highjacking, robbery, etc. find it a lot easier to manage and survive these ordeals if they have strong social networks of family and friends, those who do not, often suffer emotional breakdowns, depression and other mentally impoverished conditions.
I initially observed the behavior of capture bred African Wild Dogs, compared to those who had been born and bred in the wild. I was privileged to observe unique documentary footage taken at Cango Wild Life Ranch of a wild dog in captivity, with her Alpha male in attendance, giving birth to her pups. In a wild dog pack there is only one reproductory pair, the Alpha male and female, who usually bond for life. The Alpha male was in attendance at the birth. I was impressed with the way he helped release the pups from their mother's womb, but he was most preoccupied with the welfare of the Alpha female. The way in which this Alpha pair were operating reminded me of the more conservative and traditional male and female roles that used to be performed in our society - where mothers who were physiologically and psychologically best equipped to nurture and feed their children in those early developmental years of their lives,
were freed up to do so by an attentive, protective and providing husband.
There are many lessons we can learn from the animals we observe, and I encourage you to re-discover aspects of your own intuitive, femininity or masculinity as partners, parents or as a single person in the Wild Women, Wild Dogs and Wild Men Ecotherapy Experience facilitated at Madikwe Game Reserve in the North Western Province. The fourth largest game reserve in South Africa that boasts the biggest translocation of animals in the world, 18,000 buck, bird, lion, hippo and members of the ‘big 5’ , including the endangered African Wild Dogs, into an area of land with rolling hills and vast open plains, that used to be poorly run cattle farms! We stay in the laagered raized bungalows of Mosetlha Bushcamp where safety is secured, but there are no fences between man and beast.
This will be continued with “Wisdom Of Elephants” in the next issue of On Set Images News.
Communities Say "No" To Being Treated Like Zoos
A message that I come across repeatedly when interacting with
poorer communities, both urban and rural is dissatisfaction with the
idea of being on show for visiting tourists especially when these are
in the care of some foreign body with no real connection with the
town or village in question.
"These big signboards which claim that 'tourism is everybody's
business' are a lot of nonsense complained a Khayelitsha
guesthouse owner who has spent years carving out a small niche
for herself and other local women in the hospitality business. "More
often than not it's the big companies that bus tourists into our
areas and tell them to bring their cameras but leave their purses at
the hotel because of the crime. We must experience the benefits if
we are to support this idea. It took me a long time to convince
some of the tour operators that people could eat here and stay
overnight comfortably and safely."
Thus it is with caution that I am approaching the tourism elements
of the poverty alleviation projects we are involved with in more
remote parts of the west coast where there is interest but lots of
naivety around the topic. How does one start to match up the
hopeful expectations of people who have heard the mantra of
tourism from afar with a working reality that will avoid the sort of
pitfalls alluded to by the Khayelitsha cynic? Exposure without over
exposure; enterpreneurship without cut throat competition; growth
without exploitation - are some of the paradoxical signposts on the
road to sustainable tourism. The key is probably patient and
sensitve support so that the pristine qualities of remote
destinations can be preserved while keeping aspirations alive.
Watch this space as details unfold.
Best Sustainable Project In The Western Cape
P.O. Box 3001, Reygersdal, 7352, Atlantis
Tel /Fax: 021-572 0272
e-mail : wcec1 @
The WCEC is a Community Based Organisation in Atlantis on the West Coast servicing the surrounding Communities of Atlantis, Mamre and Pella with regards to Job Creation and self –help Community Projects in the Environmental field focussing on:
- Alien Clearing and the production of Art and Craft from Alien waste material
- Eco – Tourism and Environmental Education
- Arts and Crafts from Alien Vegetation
On 7 May 2005 the West Coast Environmental Co-operative launched the opening of the newly renovated Craft Centre, which also hosts tourism Information point and a community Conference Facility.
In November 2003 the City of Cape town hosted the Earth festival as a celebration of the 2nd year of the World summit on Sustainable development. As part of the part of a serious of festivals an Economics opportunity stakeholders workshop were held in Atlantis were the Community of Atlantis prioritized the establishment of Craft and Tourism information Center. The City of Cape town responded in making an old City building available to be renovated and provided some seed funding from its Local Agenda 21 fund.
The Development Bank Of South Africa (DBSA) together with The Job Creation Trust supported this initiative by making additional funding available for the now double storey building a "total makeover".
The potential of reviving Atlantis as a healthy employed society was identified by Mr. Martinus Fredericks Co -founder of the co-operative who believes that instead of focusing on the negative unemployment statistics, through environmental projects like the removal of alien or invasive plants species hundreds of jobs can be created. These alien plants like the infamous Port Jackson and Rooi Krans are directly affecting the ground water levels in the nearly drought stricken Western Cape, but if removed can be turned into locally manufactured crafts.
The Craft center exhibits locally manufactured crafts ranging from furniture, children 's glass painting to scale model sea vessels to name but a few. According to Fredericks a need for such a facility was on the top priority list identified at the Workshop held in November 2003.
Two years later with a lot of community involvement and the center is now a very noticeable structure. The upgrading of the building has so far created 32 jobs directly and 25 indirectly by means of SMME's (Small, Medium & Micro Enterprises). This was the main criteria from DBSA and JCTTF (Job Creation Trust, Trust Fund) says Johan Kellerman. The mayor in her listening campaign last year acknowledged the City of Cape towns involvement in the project, and that the City strongly supports Partnerships.
The Craft center is situated on the Wesfleur Sports field next to the new shopping Center on the corners of Anna Laan And Arion Drive in Saxonsea Atlantis.
The co-operative received an award for the best sustainable project in the Western Cape and was one of the three top projects nationwide.
The awards ceremony took place on Friday 25 November 2005 and the main speaker was the Deputy President in her capacity as acting president.
The awards were handed over by the President of COSATU.
Please log in and bring the Chat Room alive. Contribute by discussing and questioning topics, which enhances Networking and “keeps us going”.
Topics: Any topic you feel is of relevance?
Mentor: Please come forward if you feel you are the right person to be confronted with questions and to enhance our knowledge.
No. 03-001
Please Diarise:
07 December 2005 - 31 January 2006 Art Exhibition
Boland Kelder exhibitsTyrone Appollis, Garth Erasmus & Sophie Peters
12 - 15 December Art Exhibition
Greatmore Studios exhibits Uta Goebel-Gross & Nina Roberts
02 December International Bulkin Welcome Concert City Hall, Cape Town Tickets at the door. R60-R100
03 December SAAF Air Show
Air Force Base Ysterplaat
5th–10th March 2006 Velo Mondial, Cape Town
"We are working on a cultural exchange project between Bulgaria, Germany, Poland and South Africa – for our Local artists. For more information
Alternative Tourism and New Members
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A big WELCOME to:
Mandy Young Psychotherapist
Tamara Giliam
Gouverneur Guesthouse
who have joined Alternative Tourism as members
Skiing Holiday in Bulgaria
From November until February 2006 Skiing Holiday in Bulgaria, departing every Thursday. Contact Teodora
• |
Art Exhibition

You might recall the artists from Aachen, Germany, Michaela Frank + Uta Goebel-Gross, who with Cape Town artists Dathini Mzayiya and Thulani Shuku created the Mural at the Training Centre in Khayelitsha.
Uta Goebel-Gross together with the English artist Nina Roberts are exhibiting their work at the Greatmore Studios in Woodstock from Monday 12 – Thursday 15 December from 13:00h – 16:00h.
Throughout her work, Nina Roberts explores the complex relationships between people and the constantly transforming environment that they experience and inhabit. She is fascinated by how these places impact on the everyday lives of individuals and paradoxically, how the memory and markers of these lives build up metaphorical layers of the past and present to form the identity of ‘place’. As a result of her enquiry, notions of belonging, home and personal journeys often emerge.
The work exhibited demonstrates these ideas on a personal, local and global level. A playful and open approach of photography, print and installation is used to execute her conceptual and theoretical challenges. The symbiotic relationship between the work and its audience is also an arena that is questioned and investigated.
Uta Goebel-Gross works on the subject of human beings and lifecycles. RED is her main colour to express these themes. “Daily news” reflects on her stay in South Africa, “fear-boxes” question the essential feelings of being alive, the “plastic-bag-series” combines found-material, handmade postcards, collages, senseless and useless things that hint at the beauty of everyday life.
SAAF Air Show Bookings
To cope with the admin of bookings we have joined forces with Cape Info Africa for this event.
For you and/or your clients to book contact For further details on the package
 Air Show
.... and to charter some of these beautiful aircrafts click on the logo

A Bit Of Humor
The airhostess announces to the passengers after some engine trouble before take-off:
We apologize for the delay our captain has encountered some serious engine problems but we hope this will be solved shortly.
10 minutes later:
We are pleased to announce that we have overcome the engine dilemma .... we replaced the captain.
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