Anja Tambusso-Ferraz
Regional Representative Western Cape
Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry
5th Floor
47 Strand Street
Cape Town
The Southern African – German Chamber of Commerce & Industry
– with offices in Johannesburg and Cape Town – is the official authorized represen-tative of German industry and trade for the Southern Africa. As a private, non-profit organization, our primary goal is to offer the best service for building bilateral business relationships between Southern Africa and Germany.
In this age of globalisation it is most important for companies, internationally active, to have a reliable partner with many years of experience and excellent contacts in these markets.

47 Strand Street
For over fifty years, our Chamber has been facilitating the establishment of business links between South Africa and Germany by supplying information on the economic situation in both countries bringing together potential trade partners, and offering a wide range of other services. Since 1997, we have extended our activities to the neighbouring countries in the SADC region as well, namely Angola, Botswana, Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
The Southern African – German Chamber of Commerce and Industry offers a multitude of services. With 26 experts, the Chamber is well prepared to help your company find its way into the markets. Our field of expertise covers all aspects of trade and investment between Southern Africa and Germany, e.g.
- Trade Information and Market Research
- Trade Fairs and Exhibitions
- Legal Assistance
- Marketing Support
- Chamber Publications
- Chamber Functions
- Training and Education
- Advertising
- Translating and Interpreting
- Business Delegations & Travel Arrangements
- German Business Pool
Building on our sound experience and reputation, we are continuously adapting and improving our methods of supporting our members and customers in a rapidly changing environment.
Our Chamber is closely linked to the strong network of 83 German Chambers of Commerce; which provides access to about 3 million companies. In addition our Chamber is part of a worldwide network of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry abroad (AHKn), German business delegates and representations in more than 80 countries on every continent of the world.
In February 2000 the Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry opened a regional representative office in Cape Town, to tighten the link between members and customers in the Western Cape and the Johannesburg head office. Our office in Cape Town offers all Chamber services to companies in the Western Cape in close co-operation with our Johannesburg head office as well as selected member companies and co-operation partners in the Region.
We offer assistance to businesses in the Western Cape interested in entering the German market and offer the same services to German companies, targeting the Western Cape.
Acting as the regional contact point for all trade fairs in Germany, represented by our Chamber, we provide detailed information for exhibitors and visitors. Professional assistance is offered for exhibitors with their registration as well as their application for financial assistance under the Department of Trade and Industry’s Export Marketing and Investment Assistance Scheme. Entrance tickets for trade fairs in Germany are available from our Cape Town office.
Our members’ luncheons and meetings with South African and German company representatives, which are held in Cape Town on a regular basis, enable our members to build and maintain business contacts. Most of our events in Cape Town are hosted in association with the bilateral Chambers of France, Italy and the Netherlands.
Backed up by the wealth of references and information, we provide businesses in the Western Cape with support on all business matters.