PANSA Western Cape Steering Committee
Acting-Chairperson's Report 2011/12
Presented at the Annual General Meeting 2011/12 – PANSA National Offices, Woodstock, Liquid Lime Studios, Cape Town.
Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen. Thank you for attending our 2011/12 AGM.
Currently PANSA WC sits with a membership of 160 paid up members, which amounts to contribution R 6000. There are 44 organisations. A total of 2 296 people on the PANSA data base that are receiving newsletters, over R 200 000 (approx. R360 000) could be made available should they become paid up members.
There are 12 on going projects, and their continuation in some instances remains subject to funding outcomes. These are:
- Help Desk
- Database
- Distribution of Newsletters
- Artist Directory
- Creative Map
- Arts Development Network
- Arts Collectives
- Street Performance (Company Gardens)
- Philippi Arts and Culture Project
- Skills Development
- Strategic Thinking Programme, 11 people
- Workshops and discussions
- Festival of reading New Writing
Grants and Donations received in 2011/12 - R 712 000
I would like to express deep gratitude to our funders:
- The Department Economic Development and Tourism
- Africalia
- The City Of Cape Town
- The Department of Arts and Culture
- The Kingdom of Netherlands
- The National Lottery - PANSA Festival of New Reading and Writing
- Distell : Donation in kind
PANSA WC 2011 / 2012 Committee
We initially started with 10 members of the Steering Committee:
Simon Cooper, Karen Jeynes, Erica Glyn Jones, Angelique Van Niekerk, Randal Kennedy, Theo Ndindwa, Zozo Mohoto, Rudi Rieger, Tauriq Jenkins, Ivy Meyer.
Over time there were 7 resignations, and 2 were asked to step down due to non-attendance. The active committee for the Western Cape Provincial Steering Committee remained Rudi Rieger, Tauriq Jenkins and Erica Glyn-Jones. A big thanks to Rudi and Erica for staying put and keeping things afloat!
Office administrators, coordinators, employees and interns for 2011 and 2012 are:
Provincial Co-ordinators |
Angela Muspratt - Williams Nono Base |
Interns and Volunteers |
(Intern 2012) Maxellende Pilchen (Intern 2011) Elizabeth Gorimbo (Intern 2011) Ricardo Speelman
National Director |
Brian Heydenrych |
Achievements 2011/2012
We have crystallised our shortcomings in view of governance and its processes regarding portfolio designations, lines of communication, financial accountability. The Provincial Steering Committee has issued suggestions around the on going discussion with regards to re-structuring the functional and hierarchical format of PANSA.
With two active committee members together with Angela and Nono we have managed to keep running the crucial aspects that hold PANSA Western Cape accountable to its members, i.e. the newsletters, attending meetings, and engaging with the National EXCO. The committee members have highlighted the regional our challenges and made strong recommendations for increased productivity, transparency, communication, and important re-structuring that will impact on the over-all holistic nature of the organisation. Albeit small, this is a committee unafraid to ask difficult questions, and unafraid in pursuing answers, and solutions. Volunteering in service of any organisation takes a passion and commitment that is not necessarily fuelled by financial gain. PANSA demands a strong commitment from the professionals that decide to assist because of the scale and ambit that PANSA profiles in its mandate, our mandate.
Over the course of last year, due to their own personal commitments, and also frustration around structural limitations in the relationship between the PSC and National Steering Committee (which are being ironed out at national level), a number of resignations resulted. This, however, does not reflect their actual immense commitment while serving. Our former Treasurer Angelique Van Niekerk spent weeks finding order with regards financial accounting, and bookkeeping, and came to extremely valuable recommendations that will only help the organisation now and into the future. Ex-Chairperson Simon Cooper scrutinised the PANSA constitution and felt that there were crucial aspects that needed urgent attention. All these recommendations have been addressed to the National Steering Committee. Thank you to Angelique and Simon for your contributions.
The number of projects currently in operation is testimony to the hard work put in by Angela and Nono. I would like to express my gratitude to Angela and Nono for their commitment, and effectiveness in bringing to light these many initiatives that grow and strengthen the organisation. Angela continues to play a vital role in PANSA’s strategic placement in this province.
I would like to thank Rudi for his unswerving committee to PANSA WC, and for committing his project AFRICANI IN CONCERT in support of PANSA artists. AFRICANI IN CONCERT is a multi media based initiative that gauges the multi-cultural dimensions of this country with endorsements form various national arts and cultural entities.
I would also wish to thank our National Director, Brian Heydenrych. A resource PANSA Western Cape has is in the added benefit of Brian in his capacity as the National Director being based right here, and whose knowledge, and experience in the workings of the organisation is hugely beneficial. Brian’s fastidiousness and ability to effectively fundraise for PANSA Western Cape, as well as for the entire organisation is truly appreciated. Thank you.
I would like to especially thank outgoing committee member Erica Glyn-Jones, who has served on this committee for many years, and who is also the National Chairperson of PANSA. Thank you Erica for all that you have done for PANSA WC and for the many sacrifices that you have made while serving PANSA. You will be missed.
Thank you to all the paid up members of PANSA, your contribution goes a long way in what we set out to do.
We, the Western Cape Provincial Steering Committee, hope to continue to improve our internal mechanisms. We will continue to push for PANSA as a gateway into the industry, recognised as being an organisation that is sensitive to the human rights of the artist, that will advocate through the collaboration with and the facilitation of, individuals, networks, organisations, ensuring correct and ethical practice, transformation, transparency, and continue to provide access to information pertaining to the industry. We hope to move towards a deeper and more sincere approach to representivity. Currently with focused initiatives in our township communities, such as the Philippi Arts and Culture Precinct, we strive to diversify our access points and mandate in the Western Cape. The Western Cape remains still the most divided province in our country on the geo-political spectrum.
Tauriq Jenkins, Acting Chair PANSA WC, 2011/12
11 April 2012
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