PANSA Steering Committee 2012
PANSA Western Cape's AGM, 11 April 2012, helt at their offices at 3B Beach Road, Woodstock, Cape Town. On the photographs its new Steering Committee (PSC) for the period 2012 - 2013. |
Tauriq Jenkins Chair |
Kurt Egelhof Deputy Chair |
Michael Britton Treasurer |
Rudolf (Rudi) Rieger General Secretary Resigned: 19 Sep 2012 |
Lerato Nkati |
Royston Stoffels Resigned: August 2012 |
Razak Johnson |
Click on any thumbnail for a 640x480 pixel size and Slide Show |
PANSA Western Cape Steering Committee
Acting-Chairperson's Report 2011/12
Presented at the Annual General Meeting 2011/12 – PANSA National Offices, Woodstock, Liquid Lime Studios, Cape Town.
Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen. Thank you for attending our 2011/12 AGM.
Currently PANSA WC sits with a membership of 160 paid up members, which amounts to contribution R 6000. There are 44 organisations. A total of 2 296 people on the PANSA data base that are receiving newsletters, over R 200 000 (approx. R360 000) could be made available should they become paid up members.
There are 12 on going projects, and their continuation in some instances remains subject to funding outcomes. These are:
- Help Desk
- Database
- Distribution of Newsletters
- Artist Directory
- Creative Map
- Arts Development Network
- Arts Collectives
- Street Performance (Company Gardens)
- Philippi Arts and Culture Project
- Skills Development
- Strategic Thinking Programme, 11 people
- Workshops and discussions
- Festival of reading New Writing
Read more ...
AGM 2011
PANSA Website
 Resigned: 18 Sep 2012 |
Nat. Director
Brian Heydenrych Intern  Maxellende Pilchen |
Returned to France Aug 2012 |

Resigned: 31 Jul2012 |
Provincial Coordinator
Angela Muspratt-Williams
Assiatant Nolonwabo Base |